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Baptismal Robes Now Available to Order!!!

One of the sisters of St. Xenia Sisterhood, Nun Mariamna, is now making custom-made baptismal robes to help support the monastery. Follow the brochure below to find out all about it and to order! Thank you.

Baptismal Robes

As many as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Alleluia

Grant unto me a robe of divine light, O Thou Who clothest Thyself with light as with garment; and bestow upon me Thy great mercy, O Christ our God, Who art plenteous in mercy.

~ Baptismal Troparion – Tone 8

Clothes in Robe of Righteousness

The St. Xenia Sisterhood is pleased to offer baptismal robes for adults and children. Our garment is simple, dignified tunic design, patterned after the Server’s sticharion. Made of white poly/cotton, it features a full, one-size-fits-most cut, with a round, collarless opening with a front center slit to mid-breast for quick and easy robing and disrobing. The head/neck opening is bound all around in red, and includes matching ribbon ties for secure closure at the neck. The back of the robe is adorned with a red embroidered applique cross. Although this garment is of a “one-size-fits-most” design, the bottom hem and sleeve length will be customized.

As the Troparion signifies, the baptismal robe is a garment steeped in history and rich in Christian tradition and symbolism. As our Lord Jesus Christ clothes Himself with light as with a garment, so are we clothed in the garment of incorruption when we “put on Christ” at our baptism. Traditionally, the newly baptized wear his/her baptismal robe at every liturgical celebration – especially the Divine Liturgy – for 40 days following their baptism, bearing their lighted taper, symbolizing that they are newly illumined in Christ.

A Day of Remembrance

Then those who feared the Load spoke to one another, and the Lord listened and heard them; so a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the Lord and meditate on His Name. “They shall be Mine,” says the Lord of Hosts, “on the day that I make them my jewels. And I will spare them, as a man who spares his own son who serves him.” Then you shall again discern between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God, and one who does not serve Him. (Malachi 3:16-18 NKJV)

Whether you are ordering a baptismal robe for yourself, your godchild, or someone else, it will become meaningful keepsake for the newly illumined Servant of God to remember the day on which s/he was clothed in the Divine Light of our Lord Jesus Christ, and made a jewel in the treasury of the Heavenly Kingdom. Kept in or near one’s icon corner, the baptismal robe, together with the taper, will serve as a daily visual reminder always to be one who serves the Load, and to “let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.” (Matthew 5:16 NKJV)

Baptism in Lake Ladoga at the Skete, January 2018.

Who We Are

We are a women’s monastic community of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North & South America. We strive to “work out our own salvation” through a quiet life of prayer and labor, and to help you in that same effort through our ministry of hospitality. Although we try as much as possible to be self-sustaining, generous contribution of time, talent and money given by our benefactors assist us greatly in our struggle. A donation with each baptismal robe you order will further assist us in our daily life, work and ministry. In addition, your name will be added to the Skete’s diptychs to be remembered in prayer before God every day in our Church. If you are ordering a robe for someone other than yourself, please be sure to include that person’s anticipated baptismal name, as well as your own on the Order Form.

The suggested donation for each baptismal robe is $50. If you cannot afford that amount, we will accept a suitable smaller donation with gratitude, giving glory to God.

Please contact us at the email address below if you have question or particular sizing needs.

Contact Us

St Xenia Sisterhood

28650 105th Street

Weatherby, MO 64497-8164

(816) 646-6149


Order Baptismal Robe

Go to our online store to order.

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