Memory Eternal, Pater Kirill+++
The first monk I met on the Holy Mountain was Fr. Kirill, an hieromonk from the Holy Serbian Monastery of Hilandar. He was in his upper-70s, about 4-feet high, with an engaging smile and love of America! We met while I was waiting for the boat in the metochion of the monastery in Ierissos called Kakkovo It later turned out that he was to be my confessor during my seven months at Sveti Gora, the Holy Mountain.
I found out that he reposed in the Lord a week and a half ago. He is in my heart and will always be remembered with love and deep appreciation. He was a disciple of Elder Taddei (Thaddeus) at Vitovnica in the mid-50s when he became a novice, served at St. Sava in Libertyville as hieromonk in the early-60s, and later was the only hieromonk at Hilandar. Such wonderful and great stories abound for all who knew him. I hope someone collects them and writes his book. After Liturgy on my last day there, in the middle of the courtyard, he found out I was leaving. At the top of this lungs, he sang to me "God bless America!!!"
Memory eternal dear Pater Kiril... "y vo veki vekov!"