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GALLERY: Recent Photos from the Skete

A new bolete!
Spider art!
Spider art 2!
Local mushrooms
Garden talk
Tikhon & Andrew!
The Bury Guys
Adriana & children
St. Theodora
Aleks & Kyra
Lake Ladoga
North Trail
Cells for men!
Happy Flowers!
Dock on pond
Abbess Brigid cell
Praying Squirrel
trenching for water and power pipes
St. Louis visit
Lex in the boat
Archangel Way
Ladies Retreat
Maria and Manky
+ John Beaver
Glad to be here!
Leah and family
Nativity Lity
Morels in April!!!
Animal greeters
Fr. Symeon
Fr. Silouan
Pascha time
Spring roof burning
Winter sunrise
Sleeping garden beds
Bishop PAUL visit
Royal Doors
clergy table
walk in the woods
Fr Justin and kiddos
Cypriana and Fr. Alexii
Mat. Jodi
Fr. Makarije and Slava Bread
Slava Bread and Koliva
Great Entrance
the felines!
Fathers Makarije and Silouan
Father Alexii
Divine Liturgy
Deacon Theophan
Lity Outside
Lity with Guest
Royal Doors
Small Entry
Prayer over Slava Bread
Walk in the Woods
Women's Cliros
Festal Icon
Trapeza Russian Stove
Edited Image 2014-8-10-22:35:35
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Holy Archangel Michael and All Angels.jpg 2014-7-30-23:37:32
Mother Pachomia hauling!
Trapeza as seen from nuns cells
Broccoli harvest from garden!
Our sad geese who lost goslings
Fr. Symeon and Fr. Silouan outside
Pascha service
2015-04-11 20.02.14.jpg
2015-04-10 13.31.02.jpg
2015-04-05 12.19.41.jpg
2015-04-05 11.59.46.jpg
2015-04-05 10.41.24.jpg
2015-04-05 09.03.20.jpg

Pilgrim Reflections

After a recent visit here, the following was sent to us from Sarah, who lives in Kearney, Nebraska, with her husband and children.

The Blessings of Holy Archangel Michael & All Angels Skete


May the breeze through the trees whisper gentle reminders of God's promises across your face.


May the sun shine down rays of God's warm love upon your skin


May the chapel provide a shelter from the storms of life.


May the sweet hymns remind you to join in the angels ceaseless praise to God.


May the many icons remind you of those who have paved the way and intercede for us.


May the dogs, birds, deer and other wildlife remind you that all creation praises God.


May the wildflowers remind you to bloom where you are planted.


May the winding trails lead you to walk with God.


May the quiet afternoons be a time of thanksgiving for all God's blessings.


May the ponds remind you of the ever-present Living Water.


May the bells call you sweetly to the joyful times of prayer.


May the simplicity of life cause you to find contentment in less.


May the endless rows of grapevines remind you to cling to the One True Vine.


May the fulfillment of every day tasks help you to de-clutter your life and fill it with the joy of Christ in each and every moment.


May the gentle voices and kind smiles of the monastics comfort you and provide inspiration on your journey.


May you find this holy place a piece of heaven on earth and may the love that abundantly pours out of those living here remind you of God's endless love and mercy.


Glory to God for all things!



Holy Archangel Michael &
All Angels Skete


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​Tel : ​(816) 621-5071

Fax : (877) 430-2360

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